Dealing with the Trolls

Short Stories of Legal Knowledge

Dealing with the trolls cover
Project type
Individual Project
client details
client logo
Nyaaya is a digital resource providing simple, reliable legal information to help citizens solve everyday legal problems and seek justice.
project timeline
Feb 2022- May 2022
project sector
Indian Law, Awareness, Online Abuse


"Dealing with the Trolls" is my undergraduate thesis project. For this project, I collaborated with Nyaaya, an open-access digital resource that provides comprehensive legal information about Indian laws. The brief for this project was provided by Nyaaya, and the research boundaries were established based on the resources available on their platform. The primary objective of this project was to enhance the appeal of Nyaaya's website and increase awareness about legal information among diverse Indian age groups. Additionally, we were tasked with creating dissemination strategies to attract more visitors to the website.

The project involved thorough research on the legal aspects of online abuse, analyzing existing information on Nyaaya's platform, and identifying gaps in awareness among teenagers. Based on the research and interactions with teenagers aged 12 to 18, I decided to target the age group 15-18. I proposed the following solutions:

  • Illustrated Short Comics:

    Create a set of illustrated short comics on different topics of online abuse to educate and engage teenagers.
  • Instagram Strategies:

    -Red Flags Quiz on Stories: Interactive quizzes to identify online dangers.

    -Awareness Quiz: Increase knowledge about online abuse and legal rights.

    -Social Media Videos: Short videos to spread awareness and inform on seeking help.

My Approach

Research Method and approach used

Trauma led research approach + quick iteration
Trauma Led approach
Rapid Iterative Testing

The goal of this project was to understand the mindset of teenagers experiencing online abuse, explore their hesitation to approach parents or the police, and raise awareness about legal protections under Indian law. I used a trauma-led approach to delve into their motivations, fears, and pain points. To refine the product, I employed rapid iterative testing, creating multiple versions of illustrations and comic styles. These versions were tested with the target audience and client to ensure they effectively meet the users' needs and preferences.


Analysing the Client

Analysing the client to identify point of intervention

Nyaaya's text-heavy explainers can be overwhelming and confusing for users seeking specific information. Comments on posts indicated that many users struggle to understand how the information applies to their situations, likely due to the lack of examples.

Understanding the Audience

Scenario Study

Scenario study to understand how the user reacts to different relations and people

Key Insights:

Problem Statement and Solution

General Problem Statement

Unaware of the Indian laws pertaining to Online abuse, teenagers often fall prey to this abuse as they fail to identify it or take action.


"Dealing with the Trolls" is an illustrated digital guide that helps teenagers understand and relate to the legal information on Nyaaya's website. The strategy includes:

This guide aims to make Nyaaya's legal data easier to understand and more relatable for teenagers experiencing online abuse, encouraging them to take action.

Rapid Iterative Testing

Deciding of Illustration style

After defining my output style, I iterated various illustration styles to determine which was easiest for 15-16-year-olds to understand. Key considerations during these iterations included:

Iteration 1 Feedback:
1. Too many stereotypes.
2. An online abuser doesn't look a specific way.
Iteration 2 Feedback:
1. Doesn't provide justice to the gravity of the topic.
2. Enjoyed by 12 -13-year-olds.
3. 15- 16 year olds won't take it seriously.
Iteration 3 Feedback: Finalised
1. Stereotypes should be avoided
2. The age group 15-16 enjoyed them and found them easy to understand.

Key considerations while creating the comics

Avoiding stereotypes by considering various aspects which could be stereotyped:

A bully can be a victim and a victim can bully someone.

Dissemination Strategy

The client also requested some dissemination strategies for this project to target our target audience. As my target audience is 15-16-year-old teenagers, who are most active on Instagram, I provided "Nyaaya" with two interactive quiz story sets and a social media awareness video.

Strategy 1: Red Flag Quiz     
Strategy 2: Awareness Quiz

After creating the strategies, I user-tested them through my Instagram account. Good response was recorded from the target audience

View the video below:
Social Media Video

Final Output

Developing the comics

Final Comics

A total of 11 comics were developed around various topics under the theme of online abuse, based on the information provided on Nyaaya's website.


My key takeaways:

This project was my first client-based project, with research guided mainly by the client's requirements. I learned to create a solution that impresses the client while empowering the target audience and fulfilling the project's aims.
Key insights include:

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